Ocean Beach acupuncture

From a Quantum Perspective, chronic pain is due to a frequency or vibration or pattern of energy locked in the body.

The pain is essentially a messenger. It is serving as a reminder to tune into yourself, to uncover what is hidden or forgotten or subconscious. It is often related to an old disappointment from the past still lingering in your energetic field. There is a disconnect in the nervous system and the connective tissue or fascia. The muscle is no longer contracting and relaxing as it should, and the healing or repair mechanisms of the body are impaired.

The body also creates patterns of pain when we have chronic devaluing thought patterns. If we think of those type of negative thought patterns as toxic or inflammatory, it makes sense why it contributes to inflammation in the body as well. The body is responding to the thought patterns of the mind and the conflicts that we endure, and is creating tension or relaxation depending on our mental state.

Acupuncture and energy healing help to unravel the inflammatory process in the muscles and fascia, as well as get to the root pattern of energy that is creating the pain. Remember everything starts as energy first. That is why energy healing for chronic pain is so powerful!

Once the pathways and connections are reestablished in the nerves, muscles, and fascia – and the pattern of energy is neutralized – lasting healing occurs. You let go of that old story of disappointment, or that stuck negative thought pattern, and you free up a lot of energy in the process!

As you rebuild these new healthy connections with your body, the body & mind start to sync up, creating improved movement, function, and ease. Tension doesn’t build like it used to. This is freedom in a healthy functioning body.

Come in for an introductory session for $47 or download “The High Vibration Healing Solution” for more information.

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